Wednesday 12 November 2014

Wednesday Writing: Innovation or Isolation?

The internet has been known since the mid 20th Century and has changed people's lives in how they work, communicate, think, live and work. The very first tweet was sent on March 21st 2006 by the founder of Twitter; Jack Dorsley. It received over 10 000 retweets and 9 000 favorites. This alone shows the global reaction to the idea of Twitter.

Originally Facebook was created for Harvard Collage students, it then became more popular and spread to a national scale (USA) and then to a global scale. Facebook passes 1.23 billion monthly active users, 945 million mobile users, and 757 million daily users. As part of the financial results for its fourth quarter, Facebook today announced a number of new milestones. The social network has now passed 1.23 billion monthly active users.

Looking at these social media sites alone, there is a common trend; accessibility. In the time we live in we are obsessed with being able to connect almost instantly; with the invention of 3G on mobile phones and something as quick as a retweet on Twitter. Communication is at its peak, however I do not believe for  moment that it has reached its full potential, take a look at this video.

However we need to look at both sides of the argument; is technology going too far? Some would say yes, people are being more and more open with what they post. This is a potential danger as the world is not getting kinder; sharing personal numbers, details and even images and videos. 

Looking at a study by Pew Research, Internet Research on Teens and Social Media Privacy (not targeting this demographic; as I am in this category as well) the study has shown that 91% post a photo of themselves, up from 79% in 2006, 71% post their school name, up from 49%, 71% post the city or town where they live, up from 61%, 53% post their email address, up from 29% and 20% post their cell phone number, up from 2%.

Putting yourself out there with lost of personal details allows people to see into your life; of course people have a choice whether to do this or not. But people have to accept that with great things comes great responsibility (yes I just quoted Spiderman). The idea of it being isolating roots from people using it too much and so their social life, education and relationships suffer. That is when it becomes a real issue.

Overall facts and figures aside, my own opinion (this is where we get into the arty farty literature) is that the internet is amazing. We can interact with people on the the other side of the globe and we can express ourselves. There is no limitation to where the internet can take us, who we will meet and what we can discover. I do not for one minuet think that the internet is a isolating concept because if anything it is connecting people more and more. Globalisation (the spreading of ideas, making the world more connected) would have not developed as much if it was not for the creation of technology; one being the internet. It is when people blow it out of proportion and exploit it and others whilst using it, that is becomes a joke. Having a love for the interned does not mean it is your friend, it is dangerous. Words are as dangerous as actions, 1 word can speak 1 000 000 things.

What is your opinion? 

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(If you have any requests, questions or inquiries please feel free to tweet me, comment or email me. ALSO I am now on Google+ so you can contact me there as well) 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

A Poem

Red is blood
Red is fear
Red is what brings us here

Red is love
Red is courage
Red is all among the wreckage

Red is now
Red is then
Red is for all fighting men

Red is forever
Red is November

Red is what we will always remember 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Wednesday Writing : Rouge in Love

I don't know why we fell in love, we just did. I was an intern in Paris and a was working for Elle Magazine in France, and had just came out of the YSL autumn show. The leaves has fallen and the air was crisp, and with that chilly mid-morning it had lead me to La Rouge for a coffee over a dabble with my article on inspiring people. I don't even know when he came in, I glanced up and he was there. And no it was not the cliche movie moment, I gave him a rather scornful loon and turned back to my pen and paper. Still stuck on my piece a hour on, I was presented with a hot chocolate and a 'Bonjour, Je m'apellee Alec', I carelessly looked up and he sat.

We met at La Rouge everyday for that next week, I felt some what alive with him. His hazel eyes like still hearth capturing every piece of me, my scars and smiles. He seemed so interested in what I had to say and wanted to know how I had got to Paris. So I told him about uni and my internship, and my dreams of being a fashion designer one day; and I showed him some of my designs. I had forgotten how to hurt and learnt how to live.

My article is almost complete (a year on), inspired by him. When I read this article it brings tears to my eyes, and I remember how he looked into them; not with just love but with hope. Alec believed in me when I didn't, he build me up and encouraged me. So that brings me to today; I am forever longing to be with him even though he is not around, but he is in a safer place and where he belongs. I know he is with my Grandfather in heaven and they are looking down on me. Alec's eyes told stories of their own and radiated God's pure light and love through them; he inspired me not because he was perfect but because he was real. 

I still got to La Rouge and think of the times we shared, but I am not sad or depressed because he is still part of my life, but in a distant paradise where he belongs. 

''Look into my eyes, eyes 

Eyes are the windows to the soul 

Look into my eyes, eyes 

Oh you will know 

There is no surprise, eyes 

Because love is plain to see 
Look into my eyes 

*La Rouge is a short story of a girl who was in darkness, brought to life by a boy with light. She was taught how to love again and the love of God, through Alec. Not by a 'super christian' act, but just by the truth and warmth of his eyes* 

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Disclaimer - I do NOT own this music, it is just a link to a YouTube video; all rights reserved and respected to the author and producer

(If you have any requests, questions or inquiries please feel free to tweet me, comment or email me)