Monday 30 January 2017

The 'student way' of getting ready for a night out

Getting ready to go out is the height of glamour for a university student, the transformation which occurs is like a before and after on a Vogue photo shoot.

Whether you are a guy or a girl, everyone has their own way of getting ready; there is always the everlasting question of ‘what shall I wear?’

As a university student there is limited clothing space and limited funds to which we can buy new clothes, so the whole facade that (girls especially) cannot be seen dead in the same outfit is pretty redundant.

However, let’s be honest it is dark when you get inside of a club so does it really matter?

Having said that I do find myself ushering one of my flatmates in to ask their opinion about my multiple clothing options, which have the stunning backdrop of the rest of my wardrobe and hangers on the floor...

Personally, because I live in halls at university, getting ready is not complete without having your door open whilst one of your flatmates, two doors down,  plays the getting ready playlist for the whole flat!

There is the anticipation of which you will see out – those people on your course and when you see them it is like a reunion even though you only saw them in a lecture four hours ago!

When going out there is the essential step of putting on your ‘face’
In other words: grabbing all the makeup items one may have and try to decide what to do with them, ha!

Bridget Jones - Renee Zellweger - Bridget Jones, Edge of Reason 2004: In my flat of twelve girls, there is what I call a scale of makeup skills, there is the Mario’s (Mario Dedivanovic) of the group who have snazzy equipment – modern renaissance pallet, not only own a beauty blender but can actually use it correctly, false eyelashes, and what have you!

Then on the opposite end of the spectrum, there are the Bridget’s (Bridget Jones) who have mascara, one eyeshadow and a lipstick and they are good to go.
Showing that there are always those better at makeup to help you and those worse than you at makeup who you can feel less unskilled- unless you are a Bridgett...

When your hair is done, the outfit is on, the ‘face’ is complete, it is time for the group to assemble for some snapchat story selfies. Whether we admit it or not, every student does it!

Going out is not the pinnacle of a student’s life it still is a part of socialising as a student, getting ready for a night out is not only a process it is how flatmates get to know one another and can bond!

There are miss conceptions that girls take a century to get ready, but the reality is that we are just scrolling through the cats of Instagram....

Thank you for reading
Holly x

1 comment:

  1. This was fun and very interesting to read. I will be starting university very soon and this helped me a lot. Thank you. You are an amazing blogger. I will be looking forward to reading more posts! X
