Wednesday 10 December 2014

Wednesday Writing: The Writing Tag

I have looked all over the web and I cannot find a writing ‘tag’. I am not fond of many tags but I feel there should be a tag for writing, so I made one up. Just bear in mind that I have composed it so I can be used by other writers if they so choose to use it.

1.       Who is your favourite author?
Michael Morpurgo and the Bronte sisters

2.       Are you working on a piece now?
Yes, it is a Christmas special which will be released on Christmas Eve. I have finished it but I am editing it to make it perfect.....almost. It is my online ‘Christmas present’ to you.

3.       Your favourite novel is.....
Jane Eyre

4.       Why?
Jane is a remarkable woman who was a force to we reckoned with, she was not an average Victorian woman. She was both graceful and intelligent.

5.       What  is your favourite poem?
Come on, come back – By Stevie Smith

6.       Favourite blogger
You should know that by now; Ruth Crilly – A Model Recommends

7.       What is the worst book you have ever read?
I hate to say it but Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. I only read it the other week and it was a really let down; I loved Jane Eyre, and this was a supposed ‘prequel’ and it was terrible.

8.       Who is your favourite play writer
Oscar Wilde without a doubt! His plays are brilliant with such character and humour

9.       Why do you like to write?
I like to write because I it a form of art. As a terrible drawer/ painter/ sewer/ etc. I had to find something which I could class as an art, because I believe everyone is creative in some way, shape and form. Down to the core; I love expressing myself through words because words are one of the most powerful defences man can use.

10.   What inspires you to write?

People inspire me to write, many of the characters in my series Life Count; will be based on people who I know or have met, but also objects such as old books, antique perfume bottles, etc, which have their own forgotten story. 

*If you do this tag; tweet me the link*

Thanks for reading

Where to find me

(If you have any requests, questions or inquiries please feel free to tweet me, comment or email me) 

Sunday 7 December 2014

My Week in Photos: 1-8th December 2014

This week has been very hectic (as per usual). I hope you enjoyed my Wednesday Writing post though and I hope you shall like this one too.

Here are some hair products I have been loving

Here are some of my selected reads for this week, One thing to know about me is that I love reading the National Geographic magazine! I haven't quite finished Wuthering Heights, but I have Wide Sargasso Sea (book review anyone?). 

Now for some festive fun. This candle smells so warm and inviting on a cold winters night and my advent calendar, well.....what can I say...

This is a lip liner which I have been wearing non-stop for the last 3 weeks, It has amazing colour 'pay off' and stays put all day!

This is how I spend about 95% of my time, who's with me?

And finally I shall leave you with this (lying around whilst I am working) to caption with what ever you want.

Hope you have a great week, and tweet me some of your festive fun!

Thanks for reading

Where to find me

(If you have any requests, questions or inquiries please feel free to tweet me, comment or email me)