Tuesday 6 October 2015

For Mel

It was the battle with no victory
The cry with no relief
In the midst of all her darkness
Her spirit would not cease

"Why do you come here? What do you want?"

Intoxicating her body

This cannot go on forever

6 sickening letters

~In loving memory of Melanie who passed 4th October 2015~
Wife, mother, friend
May you rest in peace

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Wednesday Writing: Summertime Sadness?

Summer. Where the sun hits the tips of your fingers, where staying out late becomes a normality, you get that sun-kissed glow and fruit looks more appetising. We put so much pressure on the build up to summer; with our diet, beauty regime and finances. And I hold up my hands and say that sadly I am one of those people; wanting that dewy summer skin, wanting to look toned and saving all I can. I can say that with the 'dewy skin' ambition, I have completely failed (again), because my make-up skills are non-existent. Which I have accepted because if something is just not meant to be, then I cannot push it.

I went to Italy this summer as my main summer holiday, and had the most incredible time! The culture and food was overwhelming! And it was so amazing to spend time with the people I love and to get to know some people better. I did a blog post all about my trip, read it here.

It is nearly the end of the summer season, and I can say that I have had a lovely summer, I have spent time with incredible people, whom I love dearly, I have read many delightful novels and I have (because of a certain person) re-established by love for Taylor Swift (expanding it from just 'Style' and 'Blank Space'...)

Summertime Sadness? No because as much as I love summer, I also love seasons and transitioning into autumn from summer. The leaves become golden and crisp, fresh mornings and hello...sweater weather?!

How was your summer? Summertime Sadness?

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Monday 31 August 2015

The Splendour Falls on Castle Walls

After coming back from my trip to Italy, I have learnt three things; the extent to which the Italian's put salt on their food is strong, the heat is no joke, and Italy is place of exquisite beauty.

Staying in central Rome made for the perfect tourist spot, as the city awakens, so do the people. On my first morning there; I woke at 5:50, sunlight peaked through the windows and provided that extra warmth to an already furnace of a room. I watched cafés open up and people walking around; on their way to work or what have you, the streets being cleaned; almost as if what ever happened the day before was history, ready for a new day. The hotel we were staying in was basic. Nothing fancy nor anything to get excited about, but it provided all the essentials and I needed for nothing more.

We visited many places in Rome (of course), one of the highlights was visiting the Vatican. One of the rules of visiting the Vatican is that visitors must cover up their, midriffs, shoulders and knees, so there we were; scorching in our cover up clothing. However it's opulence was overwhelming and everywhere glistened; capturing every bit of light. There was gold plated everything!

The food in Rome was amazing (as expected), gelato being my favourite. I can never look at ice-cream in the same way, gelato is so much more creamy and delicious, and the flavours are endless (below is pistachio gelato #ftw). One thing which I found extremely bizarre is that it is tradition that in Italy; pasta is always served as a starter. The one thing which was most disappointing about the food is that fruit and vegetables were sparse. Hydration was key, I think we all drank about 6 litres a day!

The second half of the trip was spent further down south in Sorrento. We stopped off at Naples on the way; the journey was so picturesque, as we were on the south-west border of Italy. When we approached Sorrento we were first presented with the beach; immediately that was the first thing on the agenda for the afternoon. The sea was cool and refreshing making for the perfect cool down from the hot 6 hour journey and after spending 4 days in the ‘furnace’, which was Rome. During my stay at Sorrento we visited Pompeii, Mount Vesuvius and Capaccio. Pompeii was amazing, being able to go into the ruins of a prehistoric city, was breathe taking! It was at Capaccio when we say some Roman temple remains, being guided around; I could only try and imagine how they were originally, in all their splendour. However my favourite part of our Sorrento trip was being able to climb Mount Vesuvius; it was absolutely incredible, when I had climbed to the top, the crater of the volcano could be seen. If I would recommend just one thing to do whilst in Naples it would be to climb Vesuvius, however hot it may get!

There is a famous quote by Giotto de Bondone which is:
Rome is the city of echoes, the city of illusions, and the city of yearning

The line which I entitled this post is from The Princess 'The Splendour Falls...' by Alfred Lord Tennyson. I thought is fitting as the poem emphasises what sort of influence we shall have on the world , or will we fade away like an echo. Rome is the city of echoes, this suggests that the echoes of Rome are what make up the city. But one cannot hear every echo, referring back to Tennyson; what if the echo itself isn't from just one thing itself, but if the echoes together are what makes the sounds. One thinks rather negatively of a 'dying echo' however some of the most understated things are what are of most significance; the little things in life. Obviously being able to visit such a city as Rome, is a once in a lifetime opportunity; however it is the memories and culture which I have taken away from my trip. The city of Rome holds so much culture and history which has inspired so much literature, art and life. But it is the undying history which still remains and shall remain always.

Right Italy? Check, what is next on the travel list.....

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Last post - One World: Local or Global?

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Friday 28 August 2015

One World: Local or Global?

We all want to do what we can for the planet when it comes down to, this is no exception for the way in which we shop. With technology evolving quicker than we can ever comprehend, making it easier to get hold of different varieties of pears, GM crops of courgette and organic everything. However at the same time the idea of 'buying locally' is in the back of our minds arouses conflict economically, socially and morally and environmentally.

Economically, because local produce is usually more expensive as the produce is grown closer to home. However the produce which is not grown locally is usually grown in developing countries. There are organisations such as Fairtrade, which is set up for farmers in developing countries to help enable them to get a fair price for the crops. If we turn to completely local produce only, what will become of the farmers in developing countries who rely on selling their crops for imports abroad? Prices will drop due to the decrease in demand; their livelihoods will diminish and will become unable to feed themselves.

Socially and morally because, if we stop buying produce from overseas, the amount of food wasted will increase. This is inhumane as 795 million people are unable to feed themselves. How can we deny farmers in developing countries their business? This will have an effect in the community as without the income from selling crops overseas, farmers will be unable to grow any crops at all due to little income, which increase the risk of famine in their communities. With farmers on an extremely limited income it may prevent children (especially girls) being able to go to school, as their families simply shall not be able to afford it. However looking at British farmers, the number of people working in the primary sector started to decrease when containerisation and pathways became more the norm.

Environmentally, crops which are grown abroad need to be exported. As carbon levels from human action continue to increase, there is more pressure being put on the earth. The climate conditions are becoming more and more sever and with our use of the earth we would need 3 planet earths to accommodate our consumption; however we only have one. However having a product labelled 'local' doesn't always mean it is the more environmentally conscious option, as transportation levels still may be high.

This is a question which is arising as a challenge as there are pros and cons, what are your thoughts on it?

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Sunday 3 May 2015

Sleeps the Princess

Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess Of Cambridge depart the Lindo Wing with their new baby daughter at St Mary's Hospital on May 2, 2015 in London, England

Cradled in her mothers arms
Not knowing what her birth would mean
Looking all so calm
As her Mother and Father gleam

Sleeps the Princess
Wrapped in a white shawl
As the Royals left
She brings joy to all

Wishing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge warm congratulations on the arrival of their new daughter, to whom was delivered at 08:34 (BST) on Saturday the 2nd of May at St Mary's Hospitable in London ad weighed 8Ibs 3oz (3.7 kg).

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Wednesday 28 January 2015

Wednesday Writing: Quick Update

Hello there,

From last Wednesday Writing post from this week, it got me thinking. Why don't I make this a regular post? What I am proposing is that you send me pictures of anything which inspires you, they can be what you have personally taken or found online etc. And with that I will compose a short story about the corresponding picture. So send me your pictures on twitter or by email (links below) and I shall feature as many per month as possible. All that is required is the picture (obviously) and a short sentence/ few words telling me about what is in the image.

I am sorry that this weeks Wednesday Writing post is not 'proper' writing; however this week is especially busy. I know that is everyone's excuse! However I have written quite a few Wednesday Writing posts so check out a couple if you haven't already.

This month:
Fragrance of the month: 'New York' - Autograph
Book of the month - 'The Casual Vacancy' - J.K Rowling
Achievement of the month - Launching my new campaign of One World
Best news of the month: Ruth Crilly and her husband ('Mr AMR') are expecting a child in June this year, congratulations:-). Ruth explained it in a video and a blog post.

If your image is selected I shall make sure to let you know.

Thanks for reading

One World
One World: Live 58

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Wednesday 21 January 2015

Wednesday Writing: Away, away

Imagine a dim room by candle light, the walls are grey and bare. There are papers covering the floor and in the left corner there is a desk and arm chair. To the right of that there is a groggy window veiled in grime with a latch which doesn't close fully, which lets a sharp draft in. It overlooks a hill going down the the beach And there is where this happens, everyday for 6 months: 

I cradled my cup for warmth, though what was left of it. Sitting there for hours at candle light, just staring into space and not wanting to acknowledge reality. What was wrong with me? Just gazing into space and letting the world go by. I could hear the clock ticking away and away, whilst my mind riddled with emotions; it would feel relief, then pain, indecent and then enlightened. I just let it happen, for days; just sitting there whilst my tea turned stone cold and the candle burnt down to its wick. Hunger would relieve my pain; the feeling of complete emptiness crowed within; it was comforting.

 Sometimes I would close my eyes and imagine that Day; the breaking of the waves, salt on my lips, wind rushing through my hair and was free as a bird. But now that all seems as distant memory, as silence prevails. The cold air seeps through from the fault of the latch, my hands were cracked and my hair had grown dry. I would just lie curled up in the chair and stay there until my back raged with cramp and my legs turned numb. 

 I loved the calmness of the sea, now I resent it. I wish I longed for the striking waves and salty spray, I wished I longed for light instead of darkness and I wish I longed for life instead of death. But I am just here and in to deep to ever get out. Everyday is a cycle of deprivation; I despair with my lifeless self, but there is nothing I can do.

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One World.

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Monday 19 January 2015

One World: Live 58

Our world is precious, but so are those living in it; the plants, animals and people. Too many people are living below the poverty line and in unbearable conditions, people of all ages and nationalities.

Live 58 is an organisation set up in October 2001 which reaches out to people in the darkest of places, on a global scale. In partnership with different organisations, they radiate immense love and care to people through the light of Christ, and are inspired by the True Fast of Isiah 58 . Their love and care are helping so many world wide. 

I would like to tell you about Joy. She grew up at home with her Mother and siblings, her Father did not live with them. Her Mother got by through public assistance, and childhood support from Joy's Father was never available. Whenever there was a need for food or a bill to be paid, which was often, Joy’s Mother told her to go round the corner to see her grandfather for help. But in order to receive his help, she had to do something for him. He would touch her where no one had ever before, this kept happening over and over. She was being touched by her male Cousins, Uncles and other men in the community. This abuse threw her in to prostitution and drugs for 20 years.  During this time, she had 6 children with 5 different fathers. Tired of living on the streets, she started dealing drugs. Women would flock to her and she began to “take care” of them the only way she knew how – by helping them get high to escape the pain of life. After a while, she realized she wasn't really helping them at all. She was only hurting them and aiding in the destruction of their lives. When people do not work, there is more povertycrimerecidivismhomelessnessdivorceunwanted pregnancies,substance abusedomestic violencedebtdepression, and suicide. Joy experienced almost all of these.

As fellow humans on this Earth, we should care for each other. Life is tough for everyone in one way or another, if it is your job, relationships, financial difficulties, health problem, and the list goes on. However if we all did a little to help those less fortunate than us then the world would heal in quicker time. Heal is the key word; the world is a broken place, but anything as wonderful can be fixed. Broken people are not unworthy people. The cycle of poverty is hard to escape, once it has it's grip on someone. People living in poverty live in slums, informal housing or shanty towns. The sanitation is non existent and literacy rates are extremely low. This is a huge problem as without basic education there is an extremely slim chance of children ever breaking free of poverty as they cannot get higher paid jobs and a secure income. Please watch the film

And it starts with YOU and I. So on this final note, Live 58 is one of the thousands of organisation which have a passion for people and a heart for the planet. Take the pledge , are you in?

*Disclaimer- This is NOT an official environmental charity, it is a campaign.*

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Saturday 17 January 2015

One World.

STOP: You must sit down, go on I am waiting. Close your eyes to the real world and imagine a place where no one cared. Where no one cared for the world we live in. Now open your eyes this is reality.

PAUSE:This planet is screaming for relief from our damage

Unbearable drought, disrupting fragile communities which are weather dependent for income and many are in agriculture, and may are subsistence farmers - farm for themselves for no income.

Increasing hurricanes and storms. Resulting from vigorous use of fossil fuels, raising global temperatures, which increases evaporation of seas and this creates the perfect conditions for hurricanes and storms. The affects can be devastating, loss of homes, possessions , communities, the damage of infrastructure, etc. This means that those affected have to migrate to other regions or even to another county and become environmental reguees. This can put strain on resources and land, and can worsen potential disasters. 

Increased floods from increased usage of fossil fuels, rising global temperatures and melting natural water stores. When ice melts it raises sea temperatures through thermal expansion - when water molecules expand when heated.  

GO: As humans on this planet we should be taking responsibility for our earth as we only have on. This starts with just one small change such as walking more, eating local food, recycling more, switching off the T.V. For us to help the planet it starts with YOU and I. I am starting a campaign for This Earth called 'One World.' It is not an official environmental campaign, it is just one which will help us raise awareness for the damage we are causing the earth.I shall be posting regularly about the environmental challenges we are facing right now. Share this post as much as you can using #onewrld,send it to your friends, colleges, teachers, Aunties, who ever.This is not a charity as there are amazing charities which pour immense time, effort and care into their works, but this is a personal campaign. 

Some amazing charities:

*Disclaimer - All facts used are from my own knowledge, this is NOT an official environmental charity, it is a campaign.*

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Sunday 4 January 2015

New Year, New Look

Hello there,

Long time no speak, I have been getting into the festivities of the season and swapped with work like everyone else I suppose. Hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year into 2015; and may this year be even better as the last (a very cheesy line I know, but I do mean it). My last post was my idea of a cyber Christmas present for you, yes very weird; which is why I it was entitled 'A Little Weird Poem' primarily. However I changed it to something with more of a festive feel. I have 'redecorated' my blog again as I feel it was getting boring and I wanted a new look. It is defiantly not perfect and not how I want it completely; however it is okay for now.

Last year on the blog I received so many views which was amazing, and I am so great full (you don't know how much it means to me). However I do feel like I don't get much feed back from readers and it is the response from my posts which is going to make my posts better. I would love if I could hear from you on your ideas, feedback (both positive and negative), thoughts and own blogs (if you own one). Just send me a tweet or leave a comment below my posts and I will definitely reply to you ASAP.

Quick update:

1. These two weeks have been crazy busy for me as I have been doing extra work for education and my job, so I am very sorry for not uploading. I hope you understand. I also wanted to give myself some rest over the holidays to recharge myself for the next 7 moths of hectic work, I am dreading it but it will be okay....I hope! I am one of those people which has to be doing something else I just get so bored, are you like that?!

2. I  have Pintrest and I love it, go and look at my board (it is a little bit special and probably not what Pintrest intended a board to look like.....).

3. I have discovered a new brand called Del Toro and their shoes are BEAutiful, go check out the pair I found on my Pintrest board.

4. I watched the movie 'The Dukes of Hazzard' and it was brilliant, defiantly check it out if you haven't. I am going to watch the T.V series as well.

Anyway it is 24 minutes past midnight and I have work in the morning so I must be off, I hope you understand what I am trying to say and speak soon.

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