Thursday 7 April 2016

Midnight Rambles: Coffee & Clutter

Well currently I am sat at my is twenty minutes past by my side...

I don't really drink coffee, not because I don't like the taste, just because I don't like to become reliant on the caffeine

It is quite ironic how nowadays we are always looking for new finds , bargains and what have you, but we have so much 'stuff' just lying around which we don't really use of care for - I'll be the first to throw my hands up in guilt. I have been clearing out my make up supplies - you know the norm, chucking out all the miscellaneous rubbish which has been lurking in the stash for too has probably gone off, if make up does that...I've thrown out about 20 lip products, 12 concealers, 8 eyes shadows and 7 different eye liners which I have never really used and wouldn't because to be quite honest with you they look like they have seen better days. Next up is my draws of products next to my dresser...

Lately I have been obsessed with SoundCoud (I know a little late to this party) but it is marvelous, because unlike other music applications there is no adverts annoyingly interrupting and it is an opportunity to discover the 'indie unknown artists' - I just love it. I came across it because I have become enthralled with Casey Neistat's daily vlogs (to be honest they are short films, he has an unique eye for detail and supreme film expertise) and his music is...the only way I can describe it is 'chill'...Also I've found so many live soundtracks by Amy Winehouse - just beautiful.

This is probably the most random post I have put up in while, I am trying to be more frequent with uploads because I have been what you could say 'M.I.A.' for far too long for my liking and so shall be posting as much as possible (lucky you...)- I won't give a schedule because I know I won't stick to it and I shall get frustrated with myself and look rather foolish, ha!

Please take a look of the haul of posts I have put up lately:
Wednesday Writing: Veganism
Inspiration grown by Women
My Week in Pictures...
In a World Overrun with Grief 

Anyways I shall let you get back to your life, I hope you have a wonderful day/ night wherever you are, until next time...

Thanks for reading

Where to find me

(If you have any requests, questions or inquiries please feel free to tweet me, comment or email me)   

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