Wednesday 10 August 2016

Midnight Rambles: London and Sunsets

One of my favourite things to do on my days off from work is go to London.

Even if I have nothing in particular planned and I usually just end up walking round for ages until there is nothing left to see. The other week I was in London with a friend and we ended up passing the same shop about 5 times.

Last week when I went it was drizzling with rain which made everything look dull and dreary but I love that too about London because it reminds me of the scene in Mary Poppins (my favourite childhood film) when Mary, the children and Bert are dancing and then it begins to rain and the paintings are washed away. The simple relief of finding shelter from the rain is comforting and reminds me of this scene from Marry Poppins.

Reading on the train in my opinion is so much better than 'plugging in' - this is because unlike being in a car (for some) it does not give you travel sickness or a headache. Also train journeys can be awfully boring, reading helps time fly.

As you can see on my left the picture looks quite sunny - I went into London a second time that week and the weather was quite the opposite. I managed to navigate myself from Regent's Street to Charring Cross Station - with a little help from a lovely lady who worked in the Underground.

And I shall leave you with this picture of a very picturesque (#nofilter) photo of a sunset I took on Saturday - the sky was clear and the air was warm. I love the pink hues which frame the landscape.

Thanks for reading

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Last post: Juliets: More than just cake.

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